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Answer to today’s True or False is TRUE: Mimi IS on the cover of The Van Alen Legacy!

Blue Bloods Trivia!

True or False: Mimi is on the cover of The Van Alen Legacy.

Answer to today’s Guess the Quote: Mimi to the Kingsley Doppelgänger, Lost in Time, pg. 100!

Blue Bloods Guess the Quote!

Who said it?

“I’m not a fool. I know what this is. You’re not him.”

Answer to today’s Trivia: Allegra’s name during the Plymouth cycle was ROSE STANDISH!

YALLFEST YA Smackdown – On Sale Now


The YA Smackdown tickets are going on sale now! Once again YALLFest will conclude with the YA Smackdown Finale: an “all-star jam” with all 45 of our featured authors at once. Come root them on as Team Dystopian, Team Vampire, Team Gothic Girls, et al., compete in storytelling games for the coveted Golden Pie award.

The YALLFest YA Smackdown will be held at the YALLFest Mainstage, American Theater Ballroom at 6 p.m. on Saturday, November 10, 2012.

Tickets are only $6!!

This is one of only two ticketed events at YALLFEST. The main festival panels are free and open to the public.

Purchase at Blue Bicycle Books (843.722.2666) or online right here.

Also, make sure to get tickets to our keynote event here!

Blue Bloods Trivia!

What was Allegra’s name during the Plymouth cycle?