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Serpent’s Kiss Sneak Peek of the day!

“All I know is that there were three of us on the bridge that day. Fryr and Loki were punished , but I got away scot-free. The gods have always looked upon me favorably, but what if, what if…”

Serpent’s Kiss – One Week Away!

Hi all!

Serpent’s Kiss is out in just one week on June 12th!

You can pre-order through Amazon, B&N, Indiebound, and through Apple iBooks!

The book trailer is also up now on and you can check it out here!

Happy reading!

-Kady (Mel’s assistant)

Answer to today’s Guess the Quote: Jack to Sky, Blue Bloods, pg. 234!

If you could bring back any Blue Bloods character who has died in the past, who would you choose?

Blue Bloods Guess The Quote!

Who said it?

“I spoke recklessly. It’s not the way I feel. I’m sorry to have misled you.”

From Mel’s Twitter: “The Mimi chapters are always the easiest to write. Ever since the first book. #amwriting #gatesofparadise”

How excited are you to read the final installment in this Blue Bloods series?