Wednesday is Best-seller List Day!

And Blue Bloods is hanging on at Number 10 or Numero Diez on the New York Times Best-Seller List!! Awesome pawsome!!

For those who are counting (cough, me, cough) that makes six weeks on the Times list and six weeks on the USA Today List. Double sixes! Thank god it’s not triple sixes or you know I’m in trouble!

Before I ever hit the list, Wednesday was always just another day. Hump day, perhaps, because it is in the middle of the week. But now that I have tasted the best-seller life, in the back of my mind, I always wonder, “So did we hit the list this week?” And it is a WE. It’s my name but there are so many people behind that book: my husband who is my co-conspirator, my editor, my agent, everyone at Hyperion, and all of you who are reading the story. Yay, us!!!
